Monday, 16 April 2012

Making Birds with Polka Dot Sundays

On Saturday I went to a workshop to learn how to make a Polka Dot Sundays bird as featured on Kirstie's Handmade Britain.

This is the lady herself Jaina Minton the maker of Polka Dot Sundays and is on a mission, to make the world a more colourful place.

This is what we are heading for... a beautiful bird! - You need very strong hands make them this beautiful!

Jaina showed us how to scrunch and mould paper into balls, sounds much hard than you think. With lots of newspaper and cell-o-tape later the birds are starting to form. Mine looks cross between a bird and a turtle at the moment -burtel.

 Next some legs.

Slowly my little bird is taking shape.

Here are the others working hard...and yes Jaina did work us hard, there was a time limit before we got locked into the Market Place!

After making the legs we added a little beak and wings if wished, then we painted them white.

When the birds were dry then the fun began, choosing a lovely print and covering the birds. Yes I did take my time choosing the print, I did have a "Kirstie" moment but with the thought of being locked into the Market Place, my mind was quickly made up!

Here is Julia's bird being covered...

And here is Albert, my little bird :-)

I loved doing the workshop and if you ever feel like doing a half day or something crafty I can recommend Polka Dot Sundays' Workshops, Jaina was warm, interesting and very good.

 Keep up with Polka Dot Sundays and all Jaina's creations with,, Twitter and Facebook