Last week was George's first week at nursery and he settled very well.
He is only doing two mornings but that's enough for the little man. On Tuesday I felt very guilty leaving him and rushing off but I had managed to get the skip being delivered the same time as the climbing frame. I was worried that the skip would cover the garage (which is the only access to the garden) and then the climbing frame would arrive and not be able to be taken into the garden. Then I was worried about how big the pieces of the climbing frame would be, I knew that it was nearly 3m high and started to worry about where they would fit in the garden! Luckily the skip didn't cover the garage and the piece of the climbing frame fitted on the patio. - Phew!
Wednesday came and my hubby had taken the day off work, the skip was filled by mid day and by the afternoon the climbing frame was on its way up. Leaving me lots of time to play with the camera to take photos for Etsy. I'm not very good at the photo thing, my photos always make my art work look less impressive than in the flesh. Everyone else's photos look like they have been done professionally. I will have to grab my sister next time she is down - as she has a posh camera and can make dog poo look edible!
At the weekend I managed to get two pieces of art work listed on Etsy and I'm very proud. My snow painting is getting lots of attention.
Sadly my abstract cats which are my own creation aren't getting so much love - but they are a something for the cat lover not everyone is going to get it.
This week I plan on finish painting my sons bunk bed, which is very close and attempting to create some more ACEO's and start a large painting. Fingers crossed. The more art work I can get on Etsy the more people will have to look at and maybe I might get a sale!
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