Monday, 28 January 2013

New rooms

Just before Christmas John (my 4 year old) found a magazine with this picture in it:
"Mummy daddy I need our room to look like this!" Ok so this might be a little out of our reach but yes I had to agree with him it was a lovely room and we haven't done anything on the house recently.
So John agreed to move out of his room and share with his little brother George, so that we could change his room into an office work space, and the room I was camping in could be decorated and then he could in turn get a much larger bedroom. Whilst writing this I do feel a little guilty that I have moved my son out of his room and I'm currently enjoying his old room! But it will mean that things will get done sooner rather than later! And he does love being with George and has the top bunk so smiles all around.
So here are a few pics of the studio / office space in the process!
Lots of painting
Almost white...
New desks and the beginning of cupboards
More cupboards and my wonderful hubby putting them up (doesn't like his photo being taken)
This is the kids helping me unpack but we ended up making new artwork instead which I think was a better plan!
And this is the new room..we are just waiting for the floor and then it's complete!

Saturday, 19 January 2013


We had a little bit of snow this week and it was great to see the boys excited by the snow.

With only a couple of inches it was struggling to cover our long grass!


Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Yesterday I spent ages, in fact way too long on the Internet trying to buy things I had run out of, materials that I needed, I had a very large shopping list of art supplies that people had recommended.

I didn't manage to buy everything on my list but got a good amount to play with and add to my collection. It was very frustrating looking on several different sites trying to find the right things and at a reasonable price. It amazes me how much the prices vary. To tell you truth I was quiet grumpy by the end not excited like I normally am at the opportunity to buy supplies!

However this morning the postman came very early and dropped a parcel through my door. In my hast I had forgotten that I had ordered supplies and was over the moon to find one of my orders had come so quickly!

I even had time for a little doodle and now I'm not grumpy but like a child in a sweet shop!


Monday, 7 January 2013

Nearly back to school

My little boys are nearly back to school and nursery. George started back today, which gave John and I some time together, we had great plans but ended up spending the whole morning making Lego.

John building Lego

It was a lovely morning and now George is back and we are planning our final cake making before school starts tomorrow.


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year and new Goals!

Ok so I managed to blog yesterday and today I'm here again. After two months of nothing I'm now back! November and December we very busy creating pieces, posting and getting out to lots of different markets and even one weekend I had three markets to attend.

This year I have a few resolutions - no more piles! - not the bottom sort either I'm talking about piles of paper, clothes, toys you name it things that are put to one side to deal with later but actually end up growing into a tower!

Blog more - I find it very hard to find a little bit of time to write. I have also brought an new app so I have a better chance of making it happen.

Take more photos - no excuses just got to remember to capture the moment.

George concentrating very hard on the iPad

Not let the kids wind me up - ok failing that already!

Draw more and add sketches it's fun and I have a new scanner to learn how to use.

I have also joined Carla Sonheim's year of the Giraffe Class, which I'm hoping will help me be more creative and push me into new things. I love giraffes (well you would have to if you take on a whole years creative project focusing on giraffes!)

Happy New Year and I hope you have some great plans for 2013!