Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Duck Pond Market August

This was my second time at the Duck Pond Market and boy was it a hot day!

I had just finished some new paintings and had to rush off to the Print Studio to get them scanned as I couldn't bare to loose some of them. I had spent all of Saturday printing and cutting them to size, a trip earlier in the week to the dreaded Ikea for some boxes to display everything.

Here is a look at my stall second time around!
A bit fuller than the first time.

This week I met a few new people I was surrounded by soap people! I am beginning to wonder whether I Caron (lady whom organises the Duck Pond Market) was trying to tell me something mmmm

Here are some lovely soaps from Bare Naturals

Their lovely soaps are 100% natural and are suitable for vegetarians and vegans (just in case you like to eat your soap! - just kidding!) Check these guys out www.barenaturals.co.uk 
They are also hoping to be back for the next Duck Pond Market on the 16th September, in Ruislip.

Here are a few photos from the rest of the market. Sorry I didn't get outside but there are some great sellers out there, along with an inflatable assault course for kids, some lovely ladies whom came and sang, and a great acoustic band whom seem to have my CD collection!

The next stall I have is a little one at the Thames Festival on Saturday the 8th September near the OXO tower, please come and find me and take a little something home to remember your trip! I am with the We Make London group, thanks to Mary for organising it.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Even the Big Boys get it Wrong Sometimes!


My best friend got engaged a little while ago and in a rush I bought this card:

So you might wonder what is wrong, what could be so terrible that you couldn't send this very beautiful card? Well I didn't open up the inside and read very well until I came to write the card!

Just in case you can't read the text as it is a poor photo:

"Thinking of you on your Special Day and wishing you all the happiness a lovely day and year can hold!

I have never seen a Birthday and Engagement card that is so specialised!

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Painting Workshop


My latest painting has inspired me to show you guys how fun a few simple techniques are to produce a lovely painting.
Blue Dill in my Etsy shop is a lovely silhouette of a umbrella dill flower.

You will need:
Watercolour paper (300grm rough is good choice to get texture)
Watercolour paint
Acrylic Ink (not necessary but nice)
Masking Fluid
Needle/old brush/pen tip(ink less)
Masking Tape


First mark out the area where you are going to paint and remember to leave a border. Then draw your chosen flower, seeds, cat or anything you like, you could even go abstract!



Next get your masking fluid and go over the image that you wish to keep white. Don't do anything to your picture until it is dry and don't use your best brush in the masking fluid! - eek that is a bad way to loose a nice brush.

It should look like this when you have finished. Next mask the edges of the painting. Now you are ready to add the colours. Make sure you mix all of your paint before you start and choose the colours you wish to use as you don't want it to dry before you have finished.

I like to test my colours before I start, in my Blue Dill painting I added Acrylic Pearl Blue Ink to give it a shimmer.

Here I have applied a wash of paint and then dropped in my greys and greens and then a few drops of Acrylic ink. Before it dries too much I have removed the masking take to avoid it sticking to the paper. Then you have to wait for the paint to dry!

Make sure that the paint is really dry before peeling off the masking fluid, this should just rub off with your fingers. Again don't leave the masking fluid on for longer than necessary (too long is days not hours) as it will pull your paper up with it too.

Then tad-da you should have revealed your lovely new painting!

Easy when you know how :-) Send a picture of yours if you wish to my twitter or to Lizzesbeautifulart@gmail.com or if you would like your own but have no time, please feel free to send a request and I'll be happy to create one for you in your choice of colour!

Happy Painting :-)